General note: The following instructions are for the Leads for each respective team. Team blog spots are important for checking accountability for each individual team member. Please submit a post once a week at the end of the Wednesday class period. You are encouraged to have a different member submit a blog post each week. Include details about your progress in your Team Blog posts.
Creating a Blogger
- Create your account to access the Blog posts here, and follow the directions:
- State the name of your team and the term in the prompt: Choose a Name for your Blog (e.g. Bogie Chassis Team 2020/2021)
- Enter in a relevant blog spot title, and an address such as "BOGIE-CHASSIS-2020/"
- To allow for multiple authors to participate and collaboratively, add information into a single blog spot, the first author (Team Lead) will invite all other team members as authors with admin permission (i.e., adding other team member's gmail addresses)
- Specifically, go to: [ Blog] > Settings > Permissions > Invite More Authors
- Upon completing this, please copy & paste your address in this Google Form:
- This is very important as weI need your address(es) to upload your team blogs to so they are visible for everyone to see.
- Congratulations! You have created your individual blog spot! We will get your blog spot hyperlinks uploaded to soon!
Creating a Blog Post
- Click on “New Post” and create a title with the week as the input, for e.g. : 2021-02-01--2021-02-05
- Your Team Blog Posts should include:
- Objective/Goal for the week as a whole team
- Individual Tasks of team members with a detailed description of each responsibility to be completed for the week as a subcategory.
- Individual Progress of each team member with detailed explanation of their findings. Technical drawings, CAD models, calculations, and anything else related to the team's involvement in the project's design, rapid-prototyping, fabrication, assembly, and testing of your project should be included.
*Please use Arial Font type and Normal for Font Size*
*Use Sub-heading font for creating Objective and Individual Task sections, use Paragraph font for description*
Information to post in first Team blog post:
- Title should be: Introduction of the Bogie Chassis Team 2020/2021
- Full name of members in the group
- Contact information (email address, phone number)
- Brief description of why you want to work on Automated Transit Networks
- A picture of yourselves
- To successfully post your blog, click "Publish" on the right side of the screen
- Congratulations! You have successfully posted your first blog spot.